
Looking Back: All The Books I Read In 2013

Can you believe it's the end of 2013 already? Can you believe people born in 2000 are now teenagers?? Sometimes, I really can't.

Anyway, this year has managed to be a productive reading year for me. Somehow, I managed to read over 70 books, the most I've read in a long time. I'm pretty sure this coincides with my purchase of a tablet, but I'm still surprised. I only started my book blog fairly recently, so I haven't been able to really show off all the books I read this year. Hopefully, this post can give you a better look at my taste in books. These are all the books I rated on Goodreads in a nice picture format (in no particular order).

As you can see, I went on a massive Tamora Pierce rereading spree this year... What can I say? I absolutely love her Tortall series. They're easy to read high fantasy books (one of my favorite genres), filled with kickass female characters, and one of the few books I can reread every few years without ever getting bored of it.

I never really realized I gave so many four hearts ratings until this post. There were a lot of books that I really enjoyed reading, but unfortunately had something missing that eluded that five heart rating. As to why there are so few two-one heart ratings, I was a lot quicker to DNF a book if I didn't like what I had read so far. All those books I DNF'd (which I seem to remember were a lot) were not recorded. I wonder how that will change now that I've started actually reviewing books. Will I start to feel like I am obligated to finish bad books like a lot of reviewers? We'll see what 2014 will bring.

And that's all for my quick 2013 year-in-review. I hope everyone has a great New Year's Eve and much love for 2014 to be a great year for everyone! See you all again in the new year!


  1. Ah this is so pretty! :D your 2013 looked great and I'm sure 2014 will be even better. Happy New Years!

  2. Thanks Angel and Happy New Years to you, too!

  3. Leigh (Little Book Star)December 31, 2013 at 11:49 PM

    Yesss I'm so glad to see Shades of Earth and A Million Suns up there. The Across the Universe trilogy is my all time favorite trilogy. Aww sad to see Legend on your 'mehh' books. I can totally see why though, but I still liked it. I just think the romance was bad and the world building needed a bit of improvement. Also, I really loved Every Day by David Levithan. It was a very interesting read.

  4. The Across the Universe trilogy was so great! I loved that it made me feel so many strong emotions, it's definitely one of my favorites, too. I'm kind of sad that I didn't like Legend as much as I thought I would, but I'm thinking of still finishing the series. I've heard Champion was really good.
